We Believe in Collaboration, Not Competition.
Winning can be rewarding, but competition is an old myth made up by old men with old ideas and no real imagination. There’s plenty of work out there to make all of us happy and even financially secure. WHI Nation are people who work together as the “WE” (because together is better). WHI Nation takes ideas and turns them into something tangible. WHI will stage a collaborative revolt against the greater business world. Change things for the better. Disruptive innovation!!!
We Believe in People over Professions.
We care more about who you are and why you do it vs. what you do. People can have multiple skills and interests, but we focus on human experts. We’ve always had room for another writer, another programmer, another massage therapist, another marketing guru, another DJ, another coach, another songstress, and another passionate entrepreneur waiting for the chance to take the business world by storm. We’ll never turn anyone away because “we’ve already filled your spot.” If you have the passion and the drive, we want to meet and help you reach your full potential.
We Believe in Community.
Business is a social game. Let’s play together because together is actually better. WHI isn’t something you go to, show up for, log into, or whisper about. WHI is something/someone you are even if you don’t know it. Embracing your WHI is just like joining a family and it takes a village to raise anything great.
We Believe in Engagement, Not Status Updates.
Whether you’re in Texas or Timbuktu, we’re all WHI people and part of the same big tribe. WHI doesn’t just offer generic services and we’re not another company bidding for your annual budget nest egg. Ideas are rooted at the center of our communication to fuel emotional connections between a few to many. Numbers are important but the people behind them are usually a bit more interesting and priceless. Bottom line, success actually does take a village…
We Believe in Technology.
Yes, we’ve seen Terminator and Matrix. Yes, we know that AI (artificial intelligence) is going to enslave all of mankind and thrust our planet into a dark age of warfare…blah blah. But we still love technology and think that cool “tools” and software combined with in-person meetings/engagement is the best way to build and grow your business and ideas. If you aren’t tech savvy, don’t worry, we’ll help and teach you. But you have to be willing to learn.
We Believe Less CAN Get You More.
WHI is not all free, but you actually do get what you pay for. We think standard industry pricing, long term contracts and continuous up-charging is ridiculous. We also think anyone who suggests we should sell them your personal data is not worth doing business with. So we charge a nominal fees for certain things to keep the value high and our consistent quality talent pool and SMEs engaged. Paying for some WHI services gets you a support team that is second to none and a piece of mind that you will be able to succeed and reach your goals & objectives.
We Believe in Relationships More than Referrals.
Remember the part about being people first? That applies to referrals too. Can you expect referrals? You bet! But only from people who know you, like you, and trust you. No one’s going to get paid (or fined) for passing (or not passing) leads and tips here. Which means if you want leads and tips, you need to take care of the relationships that send them.
We Believe in Participation.
Being a WHI means showing up and adding something substantial. You can’t buy your way into WHI ecosystem (well, maybe a down payment), but you CAN contribute your way to real inclusion. Show up. Start a conversation. Share your ideas. Teach a workshop. Publish an article. Mentor someone. Just add value.
We Believe in Giving To, Not Selling To.
Studies show that people living in various areas see over 10,000 Ads a day. We’re all being sold to enough as it is. WHI is not a place to sell, it’s a place to give and share. Therefore, we believe in selflessness and kindness. Show an interest in others. Give to the group without expectation of return. Karma will come and reward you.
We Believe in Being Progressive.
There are many definitions, but we holistically believe in modern ideas powering change versus traditional efforts…or old CO vs. New CO. WHI advocates positive change. This isn’t politics or religion, it’s more attitude and mindset. We’re trying to make the world a better place. Hand-in-hand one step at a time.
We believe that building a business (or an idea) is hard, lonely work.
And spending time with other like-minded people who get it can make it a little bit easier, a lot less lonely, and way more fun. And definitely helps working towards more success. WHI Nation believes the Journey is just as important as the Destination!
Remember, “you” are a part of “we” in WHI Nation and We Have Ideas. If you have ideas and believe in yourself, come join us. The WHI door is always open so come party with us.